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AcceptaCharge was formed with leading industry experts in all fields of technology, with the goal of bridging the gap between merchant, vendor, and processor.


We continually strive for customer satisfaction in the products we deliver and the services we provide. We believe that this commitment is realized by employing a superior workforce with exceptional expertise in the specific markets we serve and by carefully listening to our customers as they articulate their merchant service needs and the challenges they face.


At AcceptaCharge we don’t just promise low rates; we actually deliver them. The rate we quote is the rate you pay, no hidden charges or fees. Our trusted reputation shows that at the end of the day, a promise made is a promise kept.


To truly reap the rewards of efficient payment processing, joining AcceptaCharge is the only way.

For a limited time, new merchants aboard AcceptaCharge will get free network, computer and technology consulting for their business environment whenever requested.




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