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“This is a great card reader and service. I dropped one of our business accounts and went with AcceptaCharge as a trial .The price per transaction is actually less with AcceptaCharge than at a big bank. AcceptaCharge has iphone and android apps available to operate a point of sale. I can even use a pinpad! Easy easy easy.”

Andrew Boardman, Project Manager

“This literally pays for itself, you pay $10 for ordering it, but they give you $10 back as soon as you sign up. As a small mobile IT company this is essential for my business, not everyone wants to pay cash and I've gotten burned too much with checks. The setup is exceptionally easy, and the menu provides lots of options. I've never had any problems with processing a card that I took through this, and the turn around to my bank is very fast. It's even cheaper then the other companies. I can dig it"
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
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